Campaigns & Communication Team



Chair Suzanne Plamping

Are you looking for something new ? Are you wanting to get involved in Federation activities? Then the opportunity to join this Team might be what you are looking for. The aim is to oversee all aspects of communication with and on behalf of the Federation. This includes all media contact, social media, website, printed format and  'in person' promotional events. To develop and publicise WI campaigns and promotions. if you are interested


The “Women’s Voices” Competition is being held to celebrate WI campaign history.  We are stronger together, and we build on the work of previous women and their WIs. We hope that you and your WI are all thinking about your entries to the Women’s Voices Competition and Display in September. There is a WI Co-operative Competition and two Individual competitions. Do have a look at the schedules. The details are on the Federation website and have been re-issued in enclosures this month.

We will also be promoting what the WI has on offer, so we are asking for volunteers to help for an hour or two on competition day, 7th September.  Please contact the County office with the time you are able to help. This September the WI celebrates its 109th anniversary, and it is 106 years since the first resolution, in 1918, became a campaign on housing.

Your WI can choose from the current campaigns or old ones from the mandated list available on MyWI :


ACWW have changed their constitution and the way they distribute their funds. In pre-covid (constitution change) years, money collected by Federations was assigned to specific projects chosen by each Federation. This policy has now changed with all monies going into a central pot, so we are now unaware of which projects benefit. The Federation Trustees have discussed the situation and don't feel satisfied in the way the money is being spent.

The Federation is extremely grateful for all your support over the years, but they now feel the time has come to re-evaluate their contribution to ACWW, so therefore from this year onwards Nottinghamshire Federation of WIs will no longer be affiliated and collecting for ACWW as a Federation. However, this does not prevent individual WIs or individual members collecting and donating directly or becoming a member. As of April 30th 2024 please send your cheque directly to ACWW at The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR or you can donate online via their website

Since the National Federation and the Charity Commission have relaxed our charity giving rules individual WIs can donate to any charity of their choice if it is related to a charity which shares the objects of the WI - local or national (not an individual or animal charity).


June 8th to June 16th is the Big Green Week 2024, for this event the WI is in partnership with the Climate Coalition. These are a few things you can do to support the Federation in June:

  1. If you enjoy craft come along to the Coffee morning on Saturday 1st June and instead of purchasing new craft items, buy some reclaimed materials. Most of the items are brand new and just need a new home, from card making kits to threads and fabric.
  2. Continue with the Show the Love Bag Challenge – bags can be taken to food banks at any time (also think about adding some items: toothbrushes and toothpaste are often needed; this links to the current resolution which will be voted on at the NFWI Annual Meeting in London).
  3. We collect your Used inkjet cartridges.  You can bring them to the office or any County event to be recycled. This reduces the amount of plastic and metal being sent to landfill and brings in some income to the Federation.
  4. We also collect Jewellery: gold, silver, costume jewellery, watches, broken or damaged items (e.g. odd earrings, snapped chains or items with missing stones. Banknotes from ANY country of any age, including any obsolete pre-euro notes. Stamps – new & used.

Tech and photographic: Old camera equipment, games consoles, tablets and mobile phones.

  1. Become a climate ambassador – the link is on MyWI to sign up to receive communication direct from NFWI.


We are hoping that you and your WI are all thinking about your entries to the Women Voices Competition and Display in September. There are WI

Co-operative Competition and Individual competitions. Do have a look at the schedules.

Have you decided which resolution to represent? New or old campaigns can be found on the mandated list available on MyWI : use the QR code for a video on Campaigns history.  (use your camera to scan over the QR as if you are taking a picture and a link to YouTube will come up). So, are you going to choose an Environmental, Social Policy or one that links to Agriculture and Food? It would be great to have some new and old ones.


Thank you to all those who cast individual votes on the shortlisted resolutions back in February. The Results are out and 39.6% of the WI members across England and Wales voted for ‘Dental Health Matters’. This resolution will be taken forward to the NFWI Annual Meeting in June. The wording of the resolution is as follows:

Dental Health Matters

There is a chronic shortage of NHS Dentists and people are suffering health issues as a result. The NFWI calls on the Government to increase investment in the training and retention of dentists and to review the current inadequate NHS contracts in order to ensure everyone can access an NHS dentist wherever they live.

At your next meeting please consider how your WI would like to vote, and pass this on to your delegate attending the NFWI Annual Meeting in London. Briefing notes are available on My WI and there is a Webinar hosted by NFWI on Wednesday 24 April at 12 noon which will give you the opportunity to learn more about the topic; it is open to all members to attend,   Members who wish to join can register their interest via MyWI.

There will also be a virtual discussion session for Nottinghamshire Federation members on Monday 29th April (19:30) hosted by Communications and Campaigns Team; please book via the County Office.

March 2024

We are looking for members to join our team. There are lots of ways you can get involved; by volunteering at events, creating content for social media, speaking to other members and the public about climate change or becoming a champion for a specific campaign. We meet once a month in the evening on Zoom. You could help influence the direction of the team in the future! If you think you could help or would like to know more, please contact me

ACWW ‘Women walk the World’ is an annual event and this year we have organised a walk and light lunch of soup and pudding at Oxton a few days earlier on St Georges day, Tuesday 23rd April. So, it would be great to see you there, we will also have a sales table with proceeds going to ACWW.

Have you seen the flyer about the “Show the Love” Shopping Bag Challenge which we have asked your WI to take part in? We hope you will accept the challenge to help your local food bank and save the use of plastic at the same time. There are patterns on the Federation SharePoint and if you need any fabric this can be available and collected from the Literary Lunch, Annual Federation Meeting or the ACWW walk. Please get in touch so I can bring the right amount.

February 2024


show the love

2024 is a new year with new challenges – this year the Campaigns and Communication Team challenge you to make bags. An enclosure form is with your WI with all the details. The bags can be made from reused fabric, or any spare material you no longer need. When you have made the bag perhaps you might want to add in a few food items, then we would love you to donate it to your local food bank.  Trussell Trust - Hope and Bassetlaw Group have replied and are pleased that we are linking together to show the love to the environment (reducing plastic) and to your community. They will then reuse any bags we make.

What to do:

1. Bag your bags (make sure they are strong and large enough - there are patterns on SharePoint).

2. Count up the bags and drop off at a food bank or alternatively at County Office

3. Complete the form (or email it)

4. Make some more bags and repeat. The challenge runs over the next 6 months.  Submissions     should be made by 1st October, so we can have a count up.

We have some exciting plans for September to celebrate the WI and the ‘Voices of Women’ there will be a Co-operative Competition for your WI!


Did you know that Nottinghamshire Federation WI collect these items to re-use/recycle?

  • Jewellery & Watches in any material even if damaged or broken
  • Currency any coins or banknotes, UK & foreign (even if out of circulation)
  • Mobile Phones
  • Cameras old film, digital and video
  • Stamps loose, single, albums, first day covers, presentation packs, collections
  • Gadgets Sat-Navs, Ipods, MP3 players, games consoles, games & accessories
  • Inkjet Cartridges

You can take items to County House or to any Federation event you are attending.

Events mentioned above can be found in previous enclosures, SharePoint and on website



The poster gives you details of any of your unwanted jewellery that we can Recycle, the proceeds will help to raise funds for the Federation. An enclosure to your WI includes more details for anyone wishing to post direct. However, you can also bring your items into the Federation County Office for the Communications Team to box and bag up – these include the items in the poster but also e-recycling items – these all have raw materials that can be reused in them: we are collecting

  • Mobile Phones
  • Cameras (old film, digital and video)
  • Gadgets (Sat-Navs, Ipods, MP3 players, games consoles, Tablets, e-readers, (games & accessories)

This project helps the environment but will also raise funds for the Federation.


If you want to hear more about what NFWI are doing on Campaigns sign up to digest Or observe on our committee or join the team, we meet via zoom currently the second Tuesday 19:30. You are welcome to come along as an ahoc member for a specific campaign or as a general member to help shape the campaigns and events in Nottinghamshire.


LOGODevelopment of the Digital Team

We have a digital team who support WI members with digital matters. This is not a closed group and more people are welcome, whatever level of commitment you can give.


If you have a Resolution you wish to submit please contact
